Monday 9 June 2014

Hide Files and folders using CMD

Did you know you can hide your files and folders without any software in Windows ?
Yes, it is possible to hide files and folders by simple commands using command prompt.

Follow these simple steps to hide the folder and files:

*. Open Run command dialog box by pressing Win+R and type cmd to open command prompt window.

opening cmd using run command
*. Now type attrib +s +h D:/temp and press Enter. Here D: denotes the drive on which folder is located and temp is the folder that you want to hide.

command for hiding files

*. Now look into the drive for the folder your folder will be hidden.
*. To show the folder again type in command prompt attrib -s -h D:/temp. You can see that your folder is now visible.

hide and unhide files usind cmd 

This is a very easy windows trick you may use for your convenience.


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